The PIXEL project has presented/attended so far at the following conferences (online participations due to the pandemic are also included):
28th September-2021. PIXEL Webinar 5. Closure event. PIXEL solution and project results
15/17 September-2021. 12th Croatian Scientific and Professional Meeting with International Participation "Air Protection 2021"
16/18th June-2021. UMT - 27th International Conference on Urban and Maritime Transport and the Environment (ONLINE)
30th June - 3rd July- 2020. The 21st IEEE International Conference on Mobile Data Management.Versailles, France (ONLINE)
3rd/4th April-2019. CSA Mid-Term Conference. Trieste, Italy
27/28th November-2018. FIWARE Global Summit. Malaga, Spain
Participants: Marc Despland (ORANGE)
You can download the PIXEL presentation here.
29/30th October-2018. Docks The Future Workshops with Experts. Port of Leixões, Oporto
Participants: Joao Costa (XLAB), Miguel Angel Llorente (PRO), Aristos Halatsis (CERTH)
You can see the DocksTheFuture entry here.