
Future ports, as essential multimodal nodes, are undoubtedly a key piece within the whole supply chain on the logistics realm with regards to intermodal transport. Normally, ports have more than one entry/exit points and transport types. Rail, road and sea are the most common interfaces, and their synchronisation with other entities and nodes of proximity could be treated as potentially improvable field. Information related to schedules, berthing time, arrival and departure time, parking occupancy, road traffic, potential bottlenecks, important events and anomalies, etc. are data that should be shared and democratized among those agents in order to enable smooth and uninterrupted flow of goods through multiple modes of transportation. Thus, PIXEL has established a use-case intending to address different intermodal transport challenges that are being currently faced by real ports.
Framed in achieving this new port concept in a very efficient way, PIXEL aims at achieving these objectives:
- To improve the efficiency of their resources and at the same time avoiding congestions in the surrounding areas
- To reduce bottlenecks and congestions in port areas and to give incentive to the use of the rail
- To reinforce the security related to ADR transport through the interoperability of data with regional stakeholders
- To create a system able to provide anticipations and simulations so to foresee possible congestions
- To meet local energy needs during the call of a ship in order to cope with renewable energy production the port must itself reduce its own carbon footprint,
- To develop algorithms to simulate how different policies in freight transport can impact the environment and consequently the health status of citizens
- To implement a IoT-based automated solution that can help port managers book and management system of the infrastructure in order to use inter-port premises and services when ports are full and boost the usage of rail transport in order to decrease the environmental impact.
Involved PIXEL ports are: Port of Monfalcone, Gorizia Interporto