The PIXEL project has produced so far the following publications (you can also check our ResearchGate portal) :
Advantage of a Green and Smart Port of the Future
Joao Pita Costa, Ignacio Lacalle, Miguel A. Llorente, Olivier Le Brun, et al, in WIT Transactions on The Built Environment, Volume 204,pp. 203-217, June 2021, doi:10.2495/UT210171
A novel approach for assessing the ports’ environmental impacts in real time – The IoT based port environmental index
Matija Široka, StjepanPiličić, Teodora Milošević, Ignacio Lacalle, Luka Traven, in Ecological Indicators, Volume 120, January 2021,, (Available online 19 September 2020)
Vessel and Port Efficiency Metrics through Validated AIS data
T. Martinčič, D. Štepec, J. P. Costa, K. Čagran and A. Chaldeakis, Global Oceans 2020: Singapore – U.S. Gulf Coast, October 2020, pp. 1-6, doi: 10.1109/IEEECONF38699.2020.9389112. [access to pre-print version in Zenodo by clicking on the icon]
Machine Learning based System for Vessel Turnaround Time Prediction
Dejan Štepec ; Tomaž Martinčič ; Fabrice Klein ; Daniel Vladušič ; Joao Pita Costa, in 2020 21st IEEE International Conference on Mobile Data Management (MDM), August 2020, DOI 10.1109/MDM48529.2020.00060
Influence of meteorological conditions on noise dispersion in the Port of Thessaloniki
Stjepan Piličić, Igor Kegalj, Eirini Tserga, Teodora Milošević, Roberto Žigulić, Ante Skoblar and Luka Traven, Published by De Gruyter Open Access August 10, 2020, DOI [From the journal Noise Mapping]
Framework and Methodology for Establishing Port-City Policies Based on Real-Time Composite Indicators and IoT: A Practical Use-Case
Ignacio Lacalle, Andreu Belsa, Rafael Vaño and Carlos E. Palau, MDPI Sensors 2020, 20(15), 4131, July 2020; [This article belongs to the Special Issue IoT-Enabled Smart Cities)]
Noise Pollution – Introduction to the State of the Research and the Implementation in the Horizon 2020 Project Pixel
Stjepan Piličić, Luka Traven, , Teodora Milošević, Igor Kegalj, Ante Skoblar, in Journal of Maritime & Transportation Sciences, Vol. Special edition No. 3, 2020, pages 133-145, ISSN 0554-6397, June 2020
Air Pollution Dispersion Modeling in Port Areas
Teodora Milošević , Lado Kranjčević, Stjepan Piličić, Marko Čavrak, Igor Kegalj, Luka Traven, in Journal of Maritime & Transportation Sciences, Vol. Special edition No. 3, 2020, pages 157-170, ISSN 0554-6397, June 2020
Seaport Data Space for Improving Logistic Maritime Operations
D. Sarabia-Jácome, C. E. Palau, M. Esteve and F. Boronat, in IEEE Access, vol. 8, pp. 4372-4382, January 2020, doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2019.2963283.
Small and medium ports' activities modelling: introduction to the Pixel approach
E. Simon, Ch. Garnier, I. Lacalle, J. Pita Costa, C.E. Palau. WIT Transactions on the Built Environment, Vol 187, 2019 WIT Press, ISSN 1743.3509, DOI: 10.2495/MT190141
Enabling Industrial Data Space Architecture for Seaport Scenario terminal
D. Sarabia-Jacome, I. Lacalle, C.E. Palau, M. Esteve. IEEE 5th World Forum on Internet of Things. Limerick, Ireland, April 15-18, 2019, DOI: 10.1109/WF-IoT.2019.8767216

Interoperability in IoT
R. Gonzalez-Usach, Diana Yacchirema, Matilde Julian, C.E. Palau. Handbook of Research on Big Data and the IoT. IGI Global, March, 2019, DOI: 10.4018/978-1-5225-7432-3
Model of calculating a composite environmental index for assessing the impact of port processes on environment: a case study of container terminal
I. Kegalj, L. Traven, J. Bukša. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, October 2018, Springer,DOI: 10.1007/s10661-018-6965-z
Interoperability of IoT Platforms applied to the transport and logistics domain
D. Yacchirema, R. Gonzalez-Usach, M. Esteve, C.E. Palau. Transport Reseacrh Arena , April 2018, Proceedings, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.1451428
Flow-Based Programming Interoperability Solution for IoT Platform Applications
A.Belsa, D. Sarabia-Jacome, C. E. Palau, M. Esteve. 2018 IEEE International Conference on Cloud Engineering (IC2E) , April 2018, Proceedings, DOI: 10.1109/IC2E.2018.00059