In the last stage of the project we are releasing new approaches and technologies ready to be implemented in ports of all sizes to fit you to the challenges ahead. They will seamlessly integrate your infrastructure and provide you with a dynamic quantitative measure of your environmental performance, leveraging the data sources and sensors you already have at the port. Do you want to know more? Join our free webinars!

Webinar 1. PIXEL presentation (January 13th, 10:00 AM CET)
Description: The Webinar is a general presentation of the PIXEL project: (i) What is the need, (ii) Who are the partners, (iii) How we plan to address the need, (iv) Description of the solution, and (v) What is the impact we plan to have.
Goal: We want to inform the industry about our new product, whereas at the same time get some feedback from the port needs
Target audience: Port executives, Port environmental managers, Regional government environmental managers, Specialized journalists
Watch it again! If you couldn’t attend the webinar or you want to re-watch it, here you can access it via our Youtube channel.

Webinar 2. Technical presentation of user stories, models and algorithms (February 10th, 10:00 AM CET)
Description: The Webinar will be a presentation of the science behind the PIXEL project: (i) Use Cases and User Stories, (ii) Models, (iii) Algorithms, (iv) Port Activities Scenario
Goal: Scientific dissemination and review of PIXEL technologies
Target audience: Logistics engineers and scientists, Port environmental managers, Regional government environmental managers
Watch it again! If you couldn’t attend the webinar or you want to re-watch it, here you can access it via our Youtube channel.

Webinar 3. The PIXEL platform (June 17th, 10:00 AM CET)
Description: Now that you know everything about the purpose of PIXEL and its different use cases, Models and Scientifics Algorithms from previous webinars, we will present you the engine that allow all of this to work: The PIXEL Platform. We will present the key technical difficulties addressed to implement a replicable, sustainable and scalable platform and the solutions we have developed.
Goal: We want to understand the technologies implemented to run the PIXEL Platform and why they have been chosen
Target audience: Port IT managers.
Watch it again! If you couldn’t attend the webinar or you want to re-watch it, here you can access it via our Youtube channel.

Webinar 4. Port Environmental Index -PEI- (July 1st, 10:00 AM CEST)
Description: The Webinar will be a presentation of the need for PEI. What it is, what it measures, as well as what are the benefits compared to traditional ways of assessing the environmental impacts of ports.
Goal: We want to advertize the PEI as an IoT based tool to adress a port environmental performance in real time or close to real-time.
Target audience: Port environmental managers, and Regional government environmental managers.
Watch it again! If you couldn’t attend the webinar or you want to re-watch it, here you can access it via our Youtube channel.

Webinar 5. PIXEL Closure event. PIXEL solution and project results (September 28th, 10:00 AM CET)
Description: The Event will show the results of the PIXEL project, conceived as a solution for ports in terms of IoT and environmental impact analysis and evaluation, among others. It will also offer an in-depth presentation of the Port Environmental Index. Additionally, the interoperability with sistering projects will be presented. Finally, the PIXEL association launch will be analyzed.
Goal: We want to advertize our port IoT platform able to run models and predictive algorithms, our flagship being the Port Environmental Index.
Target audience: Port Authorities, Port environmental managers, Terminal Operators and port stakeholders
Watch it again! If you couldn’t attend the webinar or you want to re-watch it, here you can access it via our Youtube channel.