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PIXEL Technical meeting

30 March, 2020 - 3 April, 2020


The PIXEL face-to-face technical meeting was supposed to be held in the University of Rijeka hosted by our partner MEDRI. However, due to the Covid-19 crisis, the meeting took place in a virtual way by means of different telcos throughout the whole week.

The different telcos were split according to the current status of the different WPs and involved tasks, trying to find the best way to manage them according to the current status as well as the comments from revievers from our last official review in January.

A parallel session was also scheduled in order to focus on specific technical matters related to the developed models, their integration in the PIXEL platform, the necessary NGSI agents to retrieve the data, security concerns, and a general check with our end users (ports).

The meeting was suceesful and fruitful even in the current pandemic situation. All partners attended dutifuly for the whole week and the ISL telco-tool from XLAB allowed a very good communication among all of us. We could all share our screens and the sessions were recorded.

Thanks to all partners for your commitment!


30 March, 2020
3 April, 2020