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Blue Med Mediterranean Days

1 October, 2019 - 2 October, 2019


For this first edition it was held on 1 and 02/10/2019 at the Palace of Trade and Toulon sea treated the following themes: the Smartports and Smartship (digitized, connected and intelligent, secure cyber, …), the Greenport and Greenship (ecological, efficient, better integrated into their environment …) meeting the global challenges of digital and ecological transition. This event was open to members of the Pole, institutions and more broadly to all players in the blue economy.

The event was organized by the Pôle Mediterranean Sea with the support of the South Region Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur. More information at the website and here.

CREO, a PIXEL’s partner,  participated to the round tables event. Two round tables related to “Greenport” and “Greenship” were organized during the second day where  Olivier (CREO)  presented the PIXEL project and in particular the PEI methodology.

Following theses round tables, CREO was able to met individually with:

  • Some officers of the French Navy (Ministry of Defense, in charge of the military traffic in Toulon port) and associated companies to the Ministry of Defense (Centre d’Expertise des Programmes Navals, etc..)
  • French Mediterranean port authorities (Port of Toulon, Port of Marseille and the Port of Sète)
  • Executive managers in charge of “ports / Developpement /Mobility” from: the City of Toulon) and the Région Occitanie
  • Two consultancy companies
  • The local UICN representative

You can download the PIXEL presentation in the ‘Conferences’ section.


Palais du Commerce et de la Mer
364 Avenue de l'Infanterie de Marine
Toulon, 83000 France
+ Google Map